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UN demands more climate ambition

"The year's first round of UN climate talks has ended with delegates talking of a clear split between the visions of developed and developing nations."

Category: Climate Change


Prize for 'Sun in the box' cooker

"A cheap solar cooker has won first prize in a contest for green ideas."

Category: Energy sources


Balloon telescope's star vision

"The BLAST experiment only flew twice and was destroyed on its final mission, but its observations and technology have had a major impact on astronomy."

Category: Space


Motorists to receive government grants for electric cars

"• £2,000 pledge for eco-cars in green economy drive • Brown aims at making industry a world leader"

Category: Transport


Spies 'infiltrate US power grid'

"The US government has admitted the nation's power grid is vulnerable to cyber attack, following reports it has been infiltrated by foreign spies."

Category: Communications

Displaying results 1296 to 1300 out of 2977